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» Panchatantra Stories for Kids
Album : Panchatantra Stories for Kids
Artist : Wow Kidz
Category : Bollywood Music
Panchatantra Stories for Kids By All Songs A Poor Brahmin,Beware of Mean Friends,Brahmadatta the Crab and the Snake,Courtesy,Dantila the Trader,Death and Lord Indra,Dharambuddhi and Paapbuddhi,King Chandra and the Monkey Chief,King Nanda and Varaaruchi,Somilaka the Weaver,The Bad Lady and the Wolf,The Bats,The Bear and the Golu Molu,The Bird with Two Heads,The Brahmin and the Diamonds,The Brahmin and the Snake,The Brahmin and the Three Thugs,The Bullock and the Lion,The Camel with a Bell,The Cat, The Rat and the Hunter,The Clever Jackal,The Cow and the Tiger,The Cunning Judge,The Cunning Snake,The Devta and the Weaver,The Dog in a Foreign Country,The Donkey and the Cunning Fox,The Donkey and the Leopard Skin,The Fake King,The Fool and the Crooks,The Four Foolish Brahmins,The Four Friends and the Hunter,The Fox and the Elephant,The Giant and the Helpless Brahmin,The Giant and the Horse Thief,The Golden Bird and the King,The Golden Birds and the Golden Swan,The Golden Goats,The Hermit and the Jumping Rat,The Horse and the Lion,The Hunter and the Doves,The Jackal and the Arrow,The Jackal and the Drum,The King and the Parrots,The King Cobra and the Ants,The Lapwings and the Sea,The Lion and the Hare,The Lion and the Woodcutter,The Lioness and the Young Jackal,The Lions Bad Breath,The Little Mice and the Big Elephant,The Louse and the Bedbug,The Marriage of a Snake,The Merchant and the Barber,The Merchants Son,The Mice That Ate Balance,The Mongoose and the Baby Story,The Monkey and the Crocodile,The Monkey and the Log,The Monkeys and the Red Berries,The Mouse and the Bull,The Old Greedy Crane,The Old Wise Crow,The Peacock and the Fox,The Potter,The Prince and the Bear,The Prince and the Seedling,The Rabbits and the Elephants,The Revenge of the Elephant,The Rich Mohan and the Poor Sohan,The Rotating Wheel,The Sage and the Mouse,The Shepherd and the Wolf,The Stag and His Antlers,The Talkative Tortoise,The Thief and the Sanyasi,The Thief, The Giant and the Brahmin,The Trick of the Crow,The Useful Thief,The Village Mouse and the Town Mouse,The Visit of the Swan,The Wind and the Sun,The Wise Crab,The Wolf and Crane,The Wolf and the Lamb,Three Fish and the Fishermen,Two Fish and a Frog,United We Stand,When the Lion Came Back to Life,Who Will Bell the Cat,Why the Owls Became Enemies of the Crows,
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